Monday, April 22, 2019

Story #33: Udupi King's foresight

   The Mahabharata battle,  was the mother of all battles.  Every king in the world were compelled to support either of the two sides. 

   The King of Udupi, however, chose to stay neutral.  He took up the duty of feeding both the armies with food during the battle.  The Mahabharata battle was a just battle, so the army men were at peace with each other everywhere else except the battle field.  They used to dine together.  As accepted,  the Udupi king provided all with food necessary for fighting with full energy. 

   Arjuna once noted that neither food for ever wasted, nor was any soldier left without food. He got curious as how the Udupi king had the knowledge of how many would remain in the battle until the next meal. When he asked Krishna about this,  Krishna directed him to talk with Udupi king himself to know the fact.

   Accordingly,  Arjuna met the Udupi king and asked how the King had such knowledge.  The King replied that Krishna would give those details to him in a round about way. 

   He said that he went to Krishna's tent every night and gave him boiled and peeled peanuts which he likes very much.  After Krishna completed,  the Udupi king would count the remaining peanuts in the bowl and thus gets to know how many Krishna has eaten. If Krishna had eaten 20 peanuts then 20,000 warriors would die the next day in the battle.   From this he guessed how many would remain the next day and cook accordingly.

   We come to know from this,  even during the fierce battle scenario, the Lord himself supported and helped in stopping wastage of food. We must take that as a note and make sure that we too don't waste food anytime.

Hare Shyam Gopala !!!

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