Vishrava was the father of Ravana, who was inturn the son of Pulasthya maharishi and grandson of Lord Brahma. Vishrava was a scholar with very high intelligence. He earned great powers thru tapasya. His name and fame spread far and wide.
Bharadwajar was so impressed with Vishrava that he gave his daughter, Ilavida, in marriage. Vishrava and Ilavida gave birth to Kubera, who was bestowed as lord of wealth and lots of Northern direction, by lots Shiva.
Vishrava's yogic and thapas powers reached the ears of asuras as well. One asura king named Sumali and his wife, Tataka, sought to increase their own powers through alliances with mighty Kings and Rishis. They decided that their daughter, Kaikesi would make a worthy wife for Vishrava and orchestrated her chance encounter with the Rishi.
Vishrava fell as a prey in a bait. He fell in love with the beautiful Kaikesi and married her. He fathered four children with her. The oldest was Ravana who would eventually oust his half-brother, Kubera, as King of Lanka and usurp his throne.
In addition to Ravana, Vishrava fathered Vibhishana, Kumbakarna and a daughter, Soorpanaka, through Kaikesi.
Vishrava then disowned his demonic family after witnessing Ravana's disrespectful treatment of his older brother, Kubera and returned to his first wife, Ilavida.
We learn from this incident that appearance may be deceiving. We must wisely choose our associations.
Saptharishyai namah!!
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