Friday, April 12, 2019

Story #24: Diwan and Navab of Adoni

   On one of his travels, Sri Raghavendra Swamy came across a young and poor shepherd, who prostrated before him in respect. Swamiji blessed him and told the shepherd to think of him in times of need.

   A few days later, the Nawab of Adoni, who did not know how to read and write Kannada, was riding on a horse near the place where the shepherd was grazing. At that time a messenger brought a letter written in Kannada and gave it to Nawaab.

    As he didn't know Kannada,  the Nawaab, looked around for help.  He saw the shepherd and asked him to read.  The shepherd was an illiterate.  He wasn't able to read.  Thinking that the shepherd isn't ready to read the letter, the Nawab became furious. The Nawab threatened the man with dire consequences for failing to obey his order.

   The shepherd got very afraid. He immediately thought and prayed to Raghavendra Swamy. Miraculously, the shepherd was able to read and explain the contents of the letter to the Nawaab.

    Since the information was favourable to the Nawaab, he was impressed and made the shepherd the Diwaan of Adoni.

    After this,  the Nawab came to know about Raghavendra Swamy.  He tried to test Swamy and failed bitterly. The man wanted to give some land to the mutt. Though the Nawaab of Adoni offered to give him a more fertile region, Sri Raghavendra Swami insisted on the dry and barren region around Mantralayam, on the banks of the Tungabhadra River.

   Many years later, he told a devotee that it was the region where King Prahalada had performed his yagnyas to Lord Rama during the Dwapara Yuga and was hence an extremely holy land.

   Fullest belief in guru will make all impossible tasks possible.

Sri Raghavendraya Nambha!! 

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