Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Story #29: Thiruvilayadal - precious stones

    King Veera pandian who ruled over Madurai, didn't have a child.  After penance,  the queen delivered a boy child. All customary astrological ceremonies were done. 

   In a very few years, the King was slain by a tiger during one of his hunting trip. While, the family, ministers and the country men were grief stricken. They were all in mourning. His distant non pious relatives,  stole jewels and the crown from the treasury during this time.

    Once the court and people over came the mourning, they wanted to install the little child as the next king, with the chief minister taking care of the administration till the child reaches the age. They were shocked and embarrassed, when they came to know that the crown and other jewels were stolen.

   The stones in the pandian lineage Crown were of the best quality always. Such stones weren't available in market readily to create another Crown. 

  Lord Sunderesvarer came as a merchant and offered nine very valuable jewels for sale, explaining that they were once the body of Vaalasuran.

   Vaalasura, by performing penance to Siva, had acquired power to conquer the demigods. He got so violent later.  Indra praised him so much and announced that be is ready to give him a boon. Vaalasura laughed at this and said he didn't need any and told Indra that he would give a boon to him instead. 

   Using this opportunity,  Indra asked Vaalasura to become a sacrificial cow for his yagnam. Vaalasura agreed and readily passed into the Agni.  According to a former promise of Siva, different parts of the cow's body became inestimable jewels of different kinds and colors.

   The merchant explained the properties in detail,  gave them to the minister and asked him to make Crown of it.  When they were wondering how to pay for those jewels,  the Lord disappeared.

   With these jewels a new Crown was made and the prince was anointed as king. He then recovered the jewels which had been lost; and joyfully reigned over the kingdom.

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